Riot’s Wild Rift is a top-rated mobile MOBA game known for its iconic champions directly ported from its PC counterpart, League of Legends. As such, the game includes abilities and skills that are based on those champions. Moreover, the game boasts a map that resembles the PC version. While the game is much more fast-paced due to its nature, it still accounts for a lot of strategy and depth and is generally easier to get into due to its lower skill curve and complexity in terms of mechanics.
The developers have done a stellar job of incorporating many of the mechanics of what made League a good game into Wild Rift. So, you can find iconic parts of the game such as Baron Nashor, the three lanes, Jungling, particular roles, skills, and abilities all integrated into the mobile version. With constant updates, the concurrent player base has only been rising. Moreover, the game has just gotten its Competitive Update which brings ranks from League into the game that have finally started the competitive E-Sports scene for Wild Rift.
You can expect the game’s popularity to rise in the coming months as all of the PC Version champions are expected to be coming out soon alongside buffs and nerfs made to them to suit the mobile space. Moreover, spectating, replays, in-game chats, and more expanded tutorials have all been welcome additions made to the game that has allowed for the incorporation of more players into the game.
However, as the game gets updated more often, it has started occupying a lot more storage space. Moreover, playing on a touchscreen for extended amounts of time does not produce the same mechanical fidelity as a keyboard and mouse do. Therefore, professional players and higher elo players have switched to using an Android emulator like LDPlayer to suit their high-level gameplay needs.
Wild Rift and LDPlayer – The Perfect Mix:
The developers at LDPlayer have put in a lot of time and effort to introduce specific features for Wild Rift that help you become a better player. Their sole goal was to try and make the game feel like League of Legends in terms of control and mechanics so that players and fans of the game can switch to Wild Rift for the shorter matches and more fast-paced gameplay. Here are some of the features that help you enjoy Wild Rift on PC:
- Using LDPlayer, you can now hover around the entire map using a specific keybind just like you could in League of Legends, or you can use the map to quickly go to a certain spot. This lets you weave in and around the map, allowing you to see the situation of a particular lane in detail at any point while also being able to instantly jump back to your hero.
- With macros, you can set up pre-defined keybinds that have specific actions recorded for them to help you land harder combos that might not be possible to execute every time flawlessly. This feature is handy in high-level matches, were missing a combo can spell the drastic end of a team fight that would have otherwise gone well.
- Wild Rift relies on you being able to understand and respond to split-second movements very well. Thankfully, LDPlayer’s optimization is on point, which lets you get extremely high FPS alongside it having good, optimized net code which reduces packet loss and random ping spikes. Ultimately, you get quite smooth performance even in team fights which helps you perform much better in the long run.
- An annoying feature touch screen player might face in Wild Rift is the lack of customization the game has when setting up and managing your controls. Thankfully, LDPlayer gives you complete freedom and lets you customize the game to your heart’s content. Moreover, the developers have also spent time ensuring that most of the controls are automatically set to the default League of Legend’s playing experience. Allowing you
to use the controls you are used to on the PC version directly on Wild Rift is quite advantageous in most cases. - By playing on a larger screen and aspect ratio, you can see more of the screen at any given moment, which lets you absorb and see more information on the map while also saving you from potential ganks as you can see them as soon as they are coming your way.
Wild Rift is an example of a popular game that runs extremely well on LDPlayer. Alongside this, other AAA mobile games have been known for their excellent performance on the Emulator alongside a dedicated set of features accompanying them whose sole purpose is to enhance the user’s gaming experience as much as possible.
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