If you need help when it comes to writing a bibliography for your internet sources, then you have come to the right place. We will explain everything you need to know about bibliographies and look at how to write a bibliography when it comes to internet sources.
Table of Contents
What is a bibliography?
A bibliography is basically a list that outlines any sources that you have used when researching your work for an essay or an assignment. If you have hired custom essay writers (at AdvancedWriters, for example) to help with your paper fast and professionally, then, you will need to make sure you get all the information from them so that you can complete your bibliography if it’s not done for you. Usually, a bibliography includes:
- The name of the author
- The title of the work
- The date that the work was published
- The name and location of the organization that published the work
- Any page numbers related to your sources.
What is a bibliography for internet sources?
A bibliography for internet sources is a list of the works that you have cited and this list needs to appear at the end of your assignment. When creating a bibliography, you will be expected to note all the sources that you have used to inform you of completing your assignment. This means that if you have used the internet for sources, you will need to include this information in your bibliography.
Each college or university will have their preferred guidelines and style to follow on how they want a bibliography presented. Therefore, it is very important to ensure that you follow these guidelines accurately, otherwise, you may lose marks when it comes to the grading of your assignment.
Writing a bibliography for internet sources
Each different source will have different requirements when it comes to formatting. Therefore, the way you will need to reference a website that you have used in your assignment will be different from other formats such as a journal or a textbook. The exact way you need to structure your bibliography for internet sources will depend on if you need to include the author’s information. You may be required to include the author’s name as well as the date of publication of the internet source, and also the title of the article, and the URL of the source. If, however, you cannot locate the name of the author, then it is fine to leave this information out, however, all other information needs to be included.
Examples of a bibliography for internet sources
When adding an internet source in your bibliography, follow the below guidelines if you have not been provided specific guidelines from your college or university:
- The author
- The title of the page or the article
- The name of the website
- The publisher of the website if this is available
- The date the page/article was published
- The exact URL or website address.
Why do we need a bibliography?
- The main reason you need to include a bibliography in your work is to give credit to the authors whose work you have used in your research. Additionally, the bibliography enables your reader to be able to find out more about the topic you are discussing and look into any research that you have used and consulted to complete your work.
- A bibliography also shows that you have actually done some research for your assignment. It highlights that you have not made up information and facts, and backs up any quotes that you may have used in your assignment.
- Your bibliography will show that you know who has written the sources that you have used. Anyone reading your assignment will know whether the authors you have stated are credible and if they are well regarded in the subject that you are writing about.
- A bibliography also shows that you have used more than one source. If you note more than one source in your bibliography, this shows that there is more than one source that backs up the data or information that you have mentioned.
- You can’t make a claim in your work unless you can back it up and this is the purpose of a bibliography. Only once you have facts and evidence can you claim something, otherwise it simply remains an opinion.
- A bibliography doesn’t just protect your reader from reading information that’s incorrect, it also protects the people and writers who were before you. Additionally, this means that it also protects your work too. For example, if any of the ideas you present in your assignment end up becoming well known, the last thing you would want is someone else taking these ideas and putting them into their own work and claiming that they are their ideas. Therefore, a bibliography provides credit where credit is necessary and deserved.
- A bibliography will also help future writers and researchers. In years to come, students who will be studying the same subject as you now are may turn to your work and it’s very important that they have a clear list which dictates the sources you have used to inform your work.
The difference between a bibliography and a reference list
Finally, it’s easy to get confused as to the differences between a bibliography and a reference list. We will explain how the two differ.
When completing an academic assignment, you will need to include any internet sources that you have used to complete your work. There are two ways to do this: a bibliography or a reference page.
A reference page includes sources that have directly been mentioned in your work. A bibliography contains all sources that have been used to complete your work, Regardless of whether these sources are direct or not.
Both the bibliography and reference list need to appear at the end of your work. Usually, they are organized in a way so that the information appears alphabetically. Any assignment can include both a bibliography and a reference page.
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