
5 Essential Apps for Your Business | Techno FAQ


Published on May 23rd, 2020 | by Guest

If you have your own business, or you’re in charge of one, these might seem like trying times for you. Many small businesses are seeing steep drops in revenue, while some have had to fold up from economic pressure caused by the pandemic.

If you want to stick it out with your business, you’ll need a strategy for getting back on your feet and having a profitable remainder of 2020. Part of how you can do so is to use some of the business apps on the market right now.

Let’s go over five of the best ones.


This is an app that you can use to keep track of your expenses, which isn’t the most fun activity in the world. Every business needs to do it, though, and you want to do it right, or else you’re likely to get some unwanted scrutiny from the IRS when tax season comes.

Expensify is the digital business platform that allows you to:

  • Keep track of your receipts
  • Categorize them
  • Keep your business and personal expenses separate

You can take a picture of a receipt, even a stained or trampled one, and the app will keep track of all the relevant details. Your employees can submit receipts for reimbursement this way. What might be best about it, though, is that it can automatically sync with most other kinds of accounting software.

That should come in handy when you’re getting ready to file your taxes next year.


The Wunderlist platform is another one for your business, but it focuses on creating and sharing your do-to lists. Every business owner makes a to-do list from time to time. Some of the items on there are things that you need to do, while others are more in the fanciful category.

With this platform, you can:

  • Share your do-to lists with different employees
  • Assign them chores on the lists if they are capable of some of them
  • Interact with your employees remotely if they have to work from home right now

Microsoft snagged Wunderlist in 2015, and since then, they have been busy putting their stamp on it. The app is more intuitive now, and you should be able to learn all about it after a few minutes of casual interaction.


The Toggl app is one that you can use for keeping track of the time that your employees are putting in. If you have remote employees, as many companies do right now, you need a streamlined solution for monitoring how much work they’re doing.

Toggl works so well because it is cloud-based. There is virtually no way to fake the time that you put in when you use it, so you can hold your employees accountable.

When each month ends, you can set up a spreadsheet with the time logs from the app. You can then generate extensive, highly-detailed reports about how much time employees are spending on what tasks.

If you want to figure out what projects are most profitable for your business, this is how to do that. Based on what you learn, you might decide to discontinue some products or projects and concentrate on others that seem to be going better.


Trello is a project management app that makes it easy for teams to collaborate. Let’s say that you have a software development company, and you have various dev teams working on different aspects of a project. You can set them up with Trello, and they’ll be able to work together smoothly.

The app lets your employees set up cards with various task outlines that you need to complete your projects. You can modify the cards, assigning due dates for tasks, uploading documents and images, and creating checklists. You can integrate this app with Google Drive, Evernote, Slack, and more.

When it comes to your business, you need to think about accounting, how you accept payment for your services and products, and how your employees can message each other. You should also think about expense report generation.

It seems as though you never finish your work as a small business owner, but many individuals wouldn’t have it any other way. Some people might experience frustration with what is happening in the world, but just as many are still determined to have their business succeed.

Which one of these best describes you? Hopefully, if you’re in the second category, these apps will help you weather the storm and come away stronger than ever when things return to normal.

Tags: apps, business, management, time


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